To sell your property quickly, and at the same time at a decent price, then the sale issue needs to be addressed, and not to leave this decision on “the mercy of fate.” You have already done a lot: have brought your property in order, have clearly defined the price, have written an advertisement about real estate selling… What to do next? That’s right – an active real estate advertising! After all, since you want to sell the real estate without the help of a realtor, you will have to take on all his work.
So, what will we do? To the central square with a sign on our chest, “Buy a cool real estate” we certainly will not go. And not because it is not “presentable” – just this method is unlikely to work. And here are some options for a competent, active and proven filing of the advertisement. This is what this article is devoted.
The first: “where to go, what to do …”
So, where to post the ads for real estate? The first thought that comes to mind is printed ads in periodicals and publications. These may include: newspapers, magazines, and so on. At the same time, it is very important: an advertising carrier you choose – whether it will be an expensive glossy magazine, or will be sufficient to put an ad in the newspaper advertising of economy class. So:
If we are talking about low cost real estate, it is likely to put real estate advertisements to all sorts of low-cost newspaper ads.
As a rule, the real estate ads are distributed on the second or third day after their submission, and if you want your real estate advertisement to be presented there all the time, without a “lunch breaks”, then it is advisable to pay immediately the output of several releases. So you can be sure that your potential customer will be always able to see your proposal opening the newspaper.
If we are talking about luxury real estate, then your customer – the person financially secured. He does not read the endless strips with small print, looking for the only option. Buyer “with money” prefers to view the expensive glossy magazines, which have already chosen the best options.
Option Two: Online real estate advertising
The older generation have doubts, but it makes sense. Despite the fact that free real estate classifieds in the network are multiplying with the speed of sound, people read advertisements on them, and buy the real estate…
Internet, if I may say so, “went to the masses”, and it is impossible to confront. The main advantage that we have with real estate advertising on the Internet – is the placement speed. Real estate ads are published, usually on the same day, and this is especially important if you want quickly sell the property.
Also, there is no need to leave the house, to pay for an ad in the newspaper, wait for the printing and so on. The ideal way for those who want to advertise real estate for free! In addition, online real estate advertising is convenient not only for you but also for buyer who have no need to leave the comfort of his home or office and will be able to get acquainted with the layout and photos of real estate and pick out his favorite real estate options.
Recently, many buyers are looking for real estate on the Internet, and therefore it makes sense to place ads here.
If you want to advertise for real estate for free on realtyWW then you should follow this link:
On the Internet there are: paid and free real estate advertising resources. At the same, the last option is no way worse. If you do decide to file a real estate ad on paid Internet resources, remember that you can spend a lot of money wasted. So think carefully about where and why you have decided to give your advertisement.
To start promoting it is necessary to understand first what website are the most popular in your area. And it is desirable to place real estate ads not on one or two online resources, and better at least on 15-20 sites. The more -The better!
This group is characterized by the most extensive coverage of the different layers of the target audience and how to interact with it, as well as a variety of opportunities in the form of presentation and updating of information.
- Own website is only necessary for a realtor who place real estate ads online. The question is it rich in features and is it full of information, is secondary. You can list it here: DMOZ Free Directory Submission Free Website Directory
- Social network and forums for free real estate advertising online involve primarily informal communication or exchange of useful information, but at a certain dexterity they can also be used to promote specific properties. We also recommend the use of classic advertising properties.The main rules:
- Place the advertising publication only to the relevant groups and communities
- Continuing to increase your subscription base (followers, friends and connections)
- Place the really interesting information
- Maximum saturate your publication with quality graphics (photos and video)
- Always be sincere and optimistic (otherwise no one will not even look to your side)
That’s why realtyWW is used to distribute every submitted ad to social medias to deliver maximum promotion.
- Email-mailing with real estate advertising on the Internet is a great tool, in case you have such customer base. The customer will save faster the presentation in electronic form than will keep the printed product. In addition, time and financial costs are significantly lower and the efficiency of this advertisement carrier is several times higher due to the low cost and speed of use.
- Video presentation is not exactly what one might call a full-fledged video ad selling, manufacturing of which usually requires significant resources and time. Therefore, we are talking just about the presentation – a set of photographs with brief explanatory texts, which are replaced in intervals of 5-7 seconds and with background music. The resulting video file can be uploaded to video hosting (youtube, vimeo) and subsequently integrated into your website or can be attached to ads on portals.
- Contextual advertising and banners for real estate advertising online is a direct impact on the potential buyer. When you run PPC advertising it is worth to call specialists, at this stage it is too complex instrument. Banner advertising is much easier, their conventional ranges of application are portals and message boards.
If you feel like spending a lot of time by placing your ad on the online advertising boards, there are a number of resources offering a quick resolve of this issue. Namely, conduct an advertising campaign for you. To date, for a relatively small fee, you can enjoy not only the mass placement of your property on a variety of message boards, but also an online mailing of your advertising text to all active participants of real estate market: agencies, realtors and thousands of other Internet subscribers, among which can be the buyer of your property.
Option Three: “Friends”
The option of selling real estate through the familiar is one of the simplest and the most popular. The point is simple: make sure that about your property selling offer, will hear as many people as possible.
Call to all your friends, loved ones, friends and colleagues! How to do it? Pick up the phone, open ICQ , Skype, as well as your social network profiles (Facebook, Twitter, etc.). There you will see your friends, each one of which – has no less contacts than you … That is the main idea – to sell the real estate through friends.
Perhaps your friend, or friend of a friend of his wife are looking exactly for what you want to get rid of ?! Distribute the link to a website dedicated to your property, or colorful letter with attached pictures! Here, the main rule: do not overdo it and do not become “annoying fly,” and politely ask for help.
Option Four: purchase real estate banner ad
This option would be the best if you are selling a luxury house, the VIP-apartments or other expensive property. This is the case of a beautiful picture, painted in the center of the city on the “stretching” or a billboard and an attractive banner on the main page of well-visited sites can give the desired result – a quick and profitable sale of real estate, but only if you:
- Hace correctly define a portrait of the buyer
- Have successfully chosen an advertising place
- And have rightly defined property values (not overstated it!) – Otherwise, even in case of advertising of your real estate on television – you won’t get returns
As you can see, a luxury real estate requires solid cost!
To learn more about cheap real estate banner advertising please visit this page
Option Five: free real estate advertising on windows
To be effective in advertising real estate, we have to use all the options available, you never know where that path, where will be the only one buyer for your property! And one of these means of advertising – the window of your apartment.
This method is simple and besides it is FREE. And those who have experienced this method say that it works!!! In addition, according to statistics, mostly buyers buy property in the regions in which they live, work or rent accommodation. This means that your potential buyer can just walk under your windows and doesn’t know anything, as long as you do not take action.
What to do? Just print large letters on the printer and attach it to the window of the apartment so that the ad is freely read from the roadway or sidewalk.
The greatest benefit of this method brings the posters on the windows that overlook the street with a large flow of people.
Option Six: replicating the success
Posting ads outdoor – another opportunity to say “the world” that you are selling real estate. Especially if your property is medium or low priced.
You can paste up ads at bus stops (there is a large flow of people), as well as to place the real estate ads on bulletin boards, which are near the entrances of houses. After all, your neighbours in the house may also be the buyers of your property. The neighbors also have relatives, eg, parents or children, or anyone else they want to move closer to them, and therefore may be interested in your property. In the end, they have friends … So do not be afraid to place ads near the house!
But do not abuse the patience of neighbors and paste real estate ads directly on the entrance door or the staircase, but the boards in the courtyard or near the frequented places (in transport stops, poles and bulletin boards near major shopping) – is exactly what you need for your message.
Many people believe this kind of free real estate advertising is not very effective. The main fact here is the volume. If you have decided that a hundred of pasted up ads – it’s a lot, then, alas, you will be disappointed! Because an average of these “messages” alive is only half a day, sometimes a little longer. They are torn by wipers, competitors, mentally ill people, as well as interested buyers. Therefore, every 2-3 days is necessary to glue the new ads to replace torn and damaged.
This method of advertising is acceptable if you are ready to paste more than one thousand ads. And because this work is not the most interesting, and also takes a lot of time, we advise you to hire someone.
Option Seven: look for assistants
If you sell the property without intermediaries – not an end in itself for you, then, as an additional method of advertising, is using of real estate agencies.
Ring up a dozen agencies, and offer to sell your property – not a bad decision. Over the past ten years, many real estate companies have earned credibility, and today, many buyers do not waste time flipping tons of newsprint in search of cherished property, but simply refer to the agency and pick up their property.
Therefore, do not neglect the canvassing of real estate agencies – this is also one of the most effective ways to sell a real estate quickly.
July 6, 2016