Land Listings. Advertise for Free – realtyWW
realtyWW is an international real estate advertising website. To advertise with land for sale or rent on our website please follow this page So, the piece of land has been prepared and it’s time to move on to sales stage. The most effective way of land sales is word of mouth and land listings.
Why do people want to sell land without intermediaries?
The desire to sell the land independently is caused by the following:
- The seller is tired of annoying realtors;
- People are more likely to buy land from an owner than from the agency;
- If there are no calls the price can be lowered, and if the demand is high you can pick it up;
- It is faster to sell the land independently.
Also, real estate agent encourages you to sign the contract on services prohibiting not to cooperate with anyone apart from him and not to place land listings on your own.
Thus, the realtor is trying to restrict the flow of direct customers and to maximize the chance for his commission. Also, do not settle for the urgent purchase of land because it is a signal that the lot is marketable.
If you do decide to sell the land independently let’s look at the process in more detail.
Land sales
Notify neighbors, relatives and friends about your intentions, stick land listings on the bulletin board.
However, land listings on the Internet are gaining the maximum number of views.
What is online advertising? How to submit your land listings and where we should start?
So let us return to land listings! I will try to describe the principles of the usual intermediaries form the agencies and you will understand the way in which they go, and may be it is worth to try it. After reviewing it, you’ll be able to use this principle yourself for far less money.
So you want to buy a land. If you used the services of an agent, he is getting a new customer, and begins to study all proposals on the issues raised and occasionally throw off them to you as to his new client. At the same time, particularly lazy agents do not even bother to filter out the garbage (the same air, nonexistent offers) from their printed versions. Thus, the proposal being selected.
The Internet is the place where all this information is now at maximum volume and freely available. You can easily explore by yourself all the offers in a city or region you are interested by looking on real estate websites like realtyWW.
The opposite situation, when you want to sell the land. How an agent offers the land of his client? Normal agent would try to place land listings for the sale in several places at the same time, doing so, he tryes to maximum describe all the advantages of your proposal. Because he must first of all show the quality of his work. Secondly, it must be done for several other reasons. Why it is necessary to describe qualitatively your proposal in land listings? The buyer, seeing your land listings should immediately get the maximum amount of information about this real estate object. And the buyer should remember your land listings!!! Just think about it, the potential buyer will have to choose from a huge number of different options. Your offer should be remembered by the buyer, not dropped out as an uninteresting.
Placing land listings
We recommend not to place land listings on all real estate sites. Because there is a high probability to forget addresses and login information to websites after the sale and to receive calls for a long time. Often it is enough to place land listings for the sale for free on realtyWW and one on the largest regional portal.
To create effective land listings it is necessary:
- Make and add 5-10 pictures of a plot itself, with light poles, roads, houses in the neighborhood;
- Indicate in your land listings text: ownership, availability of communications, list all of the available documents, area, length, width and cadastral parcel number;
- Do not write about the obvious things, and do not use words like: I do not want to sell, but it is necessary; beautiful place; you will not find cheaper; urgently; bargain;
- Confirm any information with the facts. For example, instead of “gas will be available soon” write – gasification of the village under the federal program is scheduled for 2017, so gas will be available next year;
- Add the phrase “land is ready for construction ‘, if it is.
Excellent! Land listings are ready!
How to make a potential buyer interested in your advertisement? Should one post land listings in newspapers and magazines?
To make your land listings interesting to a potential buyer, you need to specify a few distinctive features in your ads. It can be a beautiful description of the place, object, beautiful photos taken next to the real estate object, etc.
We should make sure that the customer will remember your land listings and will return for its view again for more careful consideration. If this happens, the next step is to call your phone to update the data described in the land listings, and only after that to negotiate a deal.
For this purpose you need to describe your object as much as possible and execute land listings as a Christmas postcard. After all knowingly, a large number of agencies and large companies are investing heavily in advertising their services, and advertising of their real estate client objects, inviting potential buyers. They do it on the money that clients could spend independently on advertising their property and possibly sell it more expensively, but for various reasons have turned to intermediaries.
Large advertising campaign can be profitable only for large sellers (eg when large plots for sale in a holiday village). In this case, the company comprises special advertising sections. But for the owner to order such advertising in an advertising agency is not possible due to considerable expenses.
Therefore, it is necessary to use already tried and tested mechanisms of property advertising. Land listings can be created at home and by small means. Newspapers and magazines are now almost helpless; consequently to pay for expensive land listings such as newspaper is practically and financially pointless. Conclusion – go online for land listings placing.
September 19, 2016