To paint the fiber cement siding is not a difficult task but for this, you should need to know about the basics of the paint and fiber cement siding as well. You should need to do the work with proper arrangements and in a disciplined manner. Here we tell you an easy method to paint the fiber cement siding.
A simple way to paint fiber cement siding:
Clean your fiber cement siding:
Before starting the work, firstly, you should need to clean your fiber cement siding. This cleanness is necessary to remove the dirt from the place and make it clean. You should also clean your fiber cement siding for fixing the siding smoothly and surely on the perfect place. Clean the area of the siding well enough to make it sure that there is no more debris remaining on the siding surface. If there is any dirt or spot left, then it harms your painting and siding as well and allows the water to go through that area into the siding. Therefore, this should be done in a clean and clear process.
Apply the primer on the siding:
Now, apply the primer after cleaning your fiber cement siding. Always take a high-quality primer for your exterior of the house and apply in an even method to make a nice look. Also, do the work in a fast mode because if you work slowly, then the dirt and debris may get again on the primer and make it dirty, therefore, you should need to do the work in a speedy mode. Then apply the paint on the back of the fiber cement siding to firm it well. It is good to add a final coat or a second coat of the primer to the siding as it makes your work more attractive and perfect.
Install your fiber cement siding:
After applying the primer, you should need to wait for a while to dry the primer from the siding. Then install the fiber cement siding in a right way as for place the piece of the fiber cement siding on the bottom of the row and take the width about 1 and a half inches. After applying the piece on the bottom then place the siding starting from one side of the wall to the other in a quiet sound manner. Install the siding to the top of the place and nail it around the corners of the siding and also on the top as well. Do not nail the siding at the bottom of the siding.
Paint your fiber cement siding:
At last, when the siding is fully installed then you should need to paint your fiber cement siding. Always apply the high-quality exterior paint to the siding, and the paint must be weatherproof. Use the roller or a brush to paint your fiber cement siding. Start the painting from the one corner of the siding and go towards the other. Also. Make sure about the balanced paint on all of the siding to make its look perfect. When the top coat dries fully then apply the final coat and cover the nails of the siding.
From the above, we concluded that the fiber cement siding could be easily painted, but for this, you should need to know the perfect method and some basics about it. You should need to work in a step process to make it perfect. Firstly, you should need to clean the siding and apply the primer on it and after then install it to the wall and apply the paint to the whole of the siding. If sidings of your house are damaged and beyond repair and you want to replace them then you really need to contact professional siding contractors canton Michigan for cost estimation.
June 24, 2017