We all want to be productive at work, but oftentimes there are factors that can make that difficult for us. Luckily, by incorporating a few minor changes to your office space, you can increase office satisfaction and the creativity of both you and your employees.
Organize it
Always keep your work surroundings well-organized. Be it your home office or your company’s office, it is essential for your productivity that there are no messy stacks of documents lying about or office supplies scattered across your desk. Even though many thrive in a “creative mess”, it usually only makes work more stressful.
Add more natural light
Besides the mess, another thing that could be making you or your workers less productive is poor lighting. It has been scientifically proven that people who work in offices with no natural light usually have problems with their sleep schedule and it causes eye strain, thus making them more tired and less eager to work. If you have a window in your office, make the most of it. Move your table closer, so that you are exposed to sunlight a bit more, remove your blinds and add sheer curtains instead. If you have no such options, switch your regular lightbulbs with those that mimic sunlight, and add as many lamps as you can.
Change your desk and chair
Seems obvious, but many do not realize that their uncomfortable chair and office desks cause a lot of damage to their productivity. Most of our working hours are spent in a seated position, and this can cause severe back and hip problems, as well as poor posture, headaches, moodiness, sciatica, etc. Make sure that you get a desk of the appropriate height – consider a standing desk, or even a sit-to-stand desk, since this will take away some of the pressure off your back. Get a chair that feels comfortable, maybe even consider a Pilates ball, since it encourages core muscles engagement and is much better for your body.
Paint the walls
When picking the room colour scheme, whether it is wall colour or colour décor, consider the impact it will have on you and your employees. It is always a great idea to match it to your brand. You do not want an IT company that employs mostly graduates and younger generations to resemble a high-end law firm. Think about what kind of company you are and how different colours impact workers, and according to that choose your colours. Red is linked to energy and detail-orientation, blue is good for productivity and green is good for creativity.
Liven it up with a rug
If you work in a company office, and you cannot change the walls, or your home office is a multi-use room, then consider incorporating colour with smart décor. Carpets and rugs are a great way to include some of your favourite motivational colours, without permanently changing anything. You can even take it with you when you change your work setting. There are gorgeous top-quality carpets in Hong Kong that can change your office from a motivation-killer to a place where ideas are born. Not only that, but they add a dose of comfort and warmth that will help you to de-stress when needed.
Ensure quality air-flow
Oxygen is what keeps us alive, and it is essential that your office is properly ventilated. The recent pandemic showed us just how important good airflow is. By installing ventilation and regularly opening your windows, you and your workers will be more alert and productive, and on top of that, less likely to become sick and spread it around the office.
Incorporate plants
Another thing that helps workers feel more at ease and less like they work in a soul-sucking corporate labour camp is plants. People love caring for living things and letting your workers choose the office plants they like will be great for morale. Each can take care of their own plants, and make a relaxing routine out of them.
Create different spaces
Instead of having an open-plan office, which is proven to kill productivity, think about creating different “zones” or spaces in which different tasks can be performed. Identify the workspace activities your employees perform, and create designated spaces just for these activities. This means that you can create a social zone, meant for collaboration among employees, where they would gather and work on creative ideas and solutions, or isolated rooms with comfortable furniture meant for thinking and relaxing.
Control the Noise
Noise is one of the most complained-about issues when it comes to office productivity. High levels of noise in an office space, especially if it is open-plan, are connected to high levels of stress and fatigue, lower job satisfaction and morale, and low productivity. Sound masking systems, noise-canceling headphones, and divided spaces are just some of the solutions to this problem.
Your stomach does not have to turn as soon as you walk into your office. By considering these few pieces of advice we provided you with, you can easily go from dreading working in your office, to feeling your productivity levels rise as soon as you enter it.
March 29, 2022