For most people, a real estate transaction contributes to being one of the most significant financial transactions they are going to make in their whole life. In case you are planning to purchase or sell a home in Walla Walla, you certainly can make a lot of money. The real estate agent plays an indispensable role in this aspect as they aid in getting the right price for your property. Hence it is a must that you should seek the assistance of experienced and qualified Walla Walla Realtors who will be working hard for ensuring that you are getting a fantastic deal. Continue reading
Category Archives: Real Estate Jokes
Movies Where Elevators Played a Big Part
Kate & Leopold
The story line shows how time traveling can be connected to such s trivial thing of a daily life as elevators. Honestly, it’s quite impossible to imagine modern New York City completely without elevators even for a day, not talking about longer than that. However, the whole idea of a beautiful love story is based on that.
The whole story wouldn’t have happened at all if not an unfortunate elevator companion of Jonathan: the funny kid pushed all buttons, and Sara was already not there when he finally got to exact same floor that they both chose initially. Continue reading